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Sand & Stone

Grass Blocks

Suggested Application:

  • Driveways and Parking Areas: Grass blocks provide a solid surface for vehicles while allowing grass to grow, reducing heat reflection and promoting drainage.

  • Pathways and Walkways: They create attractive, permeable paths in gardens, parks, and other landscaped areas, blending hard surfaces with greenery.

  • Erosion Control: Grass blocks are ideal for stabilizing slopes and embankments, as the grass roots help prevent soil erosion.

  • Public Spaces: Suitable for parks, picnic areas, and other recreational spaces, they offer a durable yet natural-looking surface.

  • Emergency Access Lanes: Grass blocks can support heavy vehicles like fire trucks while maintaining a green aesthetic, making them perfect for emergency or service vehicle routes in residential areas.

  • Green Roofs or Terraces: When used on rooftops or terraces, grass blocks help improve insulation and reduce urban heat islands by encouraging vegetation growth.

Grass Blocks are an environmentally friendly paving solution designed to seamlessly integrate hard surfaces with natural landscapes. Constructed with open cells, these blocks allow grass or other ground cover to grow through, offering the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. Grass blocks are not only visually appealing, but they also provide numerous environmental benefits by reducing water runoff and promoting natural drainage, which helps manage stormwater and prevents soil erosion.


Made from durable concrete, grass blocks are engineered to withstand heavy loads, making them suitable for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. They are ideal for areas where you want to maintain green space without compromising on stability or surface strength. Whether for residential, commercial, or public use, grass blocks enhance the surrounding environment by supporting sustainable landscaping practices while contributing to the natural beauty of any space.

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014 538 0311 | 18 Vanadium Street, Rustenburg

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